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5 Tips to Prevent Spring Asthma Flare-Ups

5 Tips to Prevent Spring Asthma Flare-Ups

If you or your child have asthma, you are not alone. About 10% of children in the United States and 8% of American adults have been diagnosed with this serious breathing disorder. 

Asthma causes inflammation and swelling in your airways, which makes getting enough air and oxygen to and from your lungs a struggle. This triggers frustrating symptoms, which can vary over time and especially when the seasons change. 

Fortunately, advances in medical science mean the treatments for asthma have evolved in recent years. This gives you different options based on your specific needs and preferences.

The board-certified providers at The Beverly Hills Lung and Sleep Institute offer personalized asthma care to patients of all ages in the Greater Los Angeles area. Your customized asthma care plan may include therapies such as:

We also know that the environmental changes of spring can mean asthma flare-ups for many of our patients. That’s why we’ve created this helpful list with our top five tips for preventing flare-ups this season. 

1. Avoid early morning outdoor activities

Spring means an increase in the amount of pollen in the air. For people with asthma, this can mean a rise in flare-ups as these particles trigger irritation and inflammation in the airways. 

Since pollen counts are highest in the early morning, between 4-10 a.m., consider switching your outdoor activities to later in the day if you can. If you can’t change your schedule, think about wearing a mask that blocks airborne particles.

2. Change and shower after being outside

Pollen can stick to your body and clothes. This means that even after you go back inside, these irritants continue to find their way into your nose, throat, and lungs. 

After spending time outside, cut down on your exposure to pollen by changing your clothes and showering to remove these irritants from your body. This helps prevent asthma flare-ups and attacks in the spring.

3. Choose air conditioning

There’s nothing as refreshing as fresh spring air — unless it triggers an asthma attack and prevents you from breathing! You can protect your health and cut down on asthma attacks by keeping your windows closed this spring. 

If it starts to feel stuffy in your home or vehicle, try running the indoor fan or turning on the air conditioner. Just be sure that in your car, you have the air set to recycle indoor air rather than pull in pollen-ridden outdoor air. Be sure to change the air filters regularly!

4. Engage in spring cleaning

Since airborne particles are everywhere in the spring, it’s more important than ever to clean your home environment every week. This helps cut down on the dust and pollen that land on soft surfaces and enter your airways every time they’re disturbed. 

To cut down on asthma flare-ups, be sure to vacuum your furniture and any carpeted areas or area rugs every week. You should also dust surfaces and wash all towels, sheets, and blankets at least once a week. 

5. Stay ahead of flare-ups with preventive care

One of the best ways to stay ahead of springtime asthma flare-ups is to stay on top of your medications and asthma therapies. Be sure to schedule an asthma check-up with one of our providers at The Beverly Hills Lung and Sleep Institute to review your current medications and any medical changes, and discuss any springtime triggers or concerns you have.

Lifestyle changes or insights into new therapies that can provide relief, such as immunotherapy or seasonal allergy medications to help cut down on irritation to your airways, may be recommended. 

Learn more about preventing asthma flare-ups this spring by scheduling an appointment online or over the phone with us at The Beverly Hills Lung and Sleep Institute today. 

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